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Our Service

Caboodle Coaching offers an entire gymnastics package, with fun, safe and challenging PE lessons for KS2.

Safe & simple to use

Each video lesson is accompanied by a teacher guide which outlines the teaching points, safety considerations and encourages the teacher to be actively involved in the lesson, through questioning and discussion.

The lessons follow professional, tried and tested gymnastics progressions which are proven to be safe and achievable for all. 

Professional Gymnastics Coaching

Caboodle Coaching replaces the need to hire in external sports coaches as teachers can run their own gymnasts' lessons. With our interactive videos, you simply connect to the projector or screen in the sports hall and you're ready to go.

Pupils follow the instruction of the on-screen coach. Examples and demonstrations are provided by real gymnasts and lessons are lead by professional gymnastics coaches, using recognised coaching techniques.

Watch our 2 minute sample Lesson


Time and duration of Lessons

With a subscription, your school gets full access to a series of 6 Ks2 lessons, and their teaching resources. Each lasting approximately 45min from start to end.
Each lesson is broken down into different chapters which can be easily selected for extra work or recapping on previous work.
There are plenty of opportunities, which are clearly shown in the teaching resources, for teacher to pause and engage in conversation and questioning. Challenging and assessing the pupils learning through out the lesson.